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The Imitation Game


The Imitation Game

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Comics Original

The Imitation Game

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Published on June 23, 2014


Today, Alan Turing is considered the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence. The mathematician, born on June 23, 1912, was a brilliant World War II codebreaker and parlayed that insight into theorizing and creating the first stored-memory computers. Unfortunately, this Officer of the British Empire was persecuted by the British government of the time for his homosexuality and suffered through chemical castration before ending his life.

The Imitation Game by Feynman author Jim Ottaviani and Resistance illustrator Leland Purvis chronicles the life of Turing in a full-size graphic novel. Check back every day this week as releases the entire graphic novel in four parts.

Update: Tuesday June 24: The next installment has been posted! In the box below type in “60” to jump right to it.

Update: Wednesday June 25: The next installment has been posted! In the box below type in “117” to jump right to it.

Update: Thursday June 26: The final installment has been posted! In the box below type in “168” to jump right to it.

About the Author

Leland Purvis


Learn More About Leland

About the Author

Jim Ottaviani


Jim is the author of seven graphic novels about scientists (so far), on topics ranging from physicists to paleontogists to behaviorists. He's probably the only comics writer whose books have received acclaim from both Physics World and Vampirella Magazine.

Upcoming titles include biographies of Richard Feynman and the Trimates (Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas) for First Second, and "T-Minus," the story of the space race, for Simon & Schuster's young adult imprint Aladdin.

His day job used to be as a nuclear engineer. He's now a librarian at the University of Michigan.

Learn More About Jim
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10 years ago

This is spectacular! Looking forward to the next installment.

10 years ago

This is a fun change from the usual short stories. Does anyone know how to add it to Goodreads?

10 years ago

What a brilliant man — what a tragic end.
Is this going to be released as a book?

10 years ago

An excellent read.


10 years ago

I added it to Goodreads! This was excellent and I hope more people read it.

10 years ago

Fantsitic, though sad. I knew the ending, of course, but so good to read it all. Can’t wait to purchase the book.

10 years ago

Why the spelling “imput” on p.41, especially when it’s “input” on the next page? Hmmm.

Really enjoying the book!

10 years ago

Thank you for this; it was outstanding.

Gorgeous Gary
10 years ago

Talk about timing…we’re planning on going up to Bletchley Park while we’re across the pond for Loncon.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Also, isn’t p.40, panel 2 incorrect? Group C “doesn’t stop”??

J. Holder Bennett
10 years ago

Messrs. Ottaviani and Purvis,

First, thank you for writing an excellent and personable history of one of the twentieth century’s most misunderstood people. As a gay man and a historian, I thoroughly enjoyed your work up to the final pages. Though no official revision of the coroner’s report has been issued, there is ample evidence that Turing did not die by suicide; rather, it was an accidental inhalation of aerosolized cyanide from the electroplating apparatus. I understand that, for dramatic reasons, a suicide provides greater pathos, but such an ending is dissonant with your obvious efforts elsewhere to get the details right. So, I must ask, why did you go with this version of events?

Respectfully submitted,
J. Holder Bennett
Associate Professor of History, Collin College

J. Holder Bennett
10 years ago

Mr. Ottaviani,

Thank you for your response. In light of this, I now understand your decision. I agree that a definitive action on Turing’s part makes for a better story in the Western tragic mode. The accidental death would make more sense if you were aiming for a more Japanese understanding along the lines of mono no aware, a concern possibly foreign to most Western readers.

Given the above, I vigorously approve of your choices.

J. Holder Bennett
Associate Professor of History, Collin College

10 years ago

Dear Messrs. Ottaviani & Purvis,

being both, an afficionado of graphic novels and a trained computer scientist, I enjoyed your work immensely! Thank you very much indeed for this! :))

Since I’m also German, I couldn’t help but notice a slight anachronism on p. 25: At the time of Alan Turing’s trip to Germany (in 1937?), the price for a mug of beer could not have been stated in DM, this being the post-war currency ;-)

Kind regards,

10 years ago

Dear Mr. Ottaviani,

Glad to be have been of help :)

Also, I’m afraid I’ve spotted another couple of typos that may have gone unnoticed (and since you asked for them to be reported … ;) ):

– on p. 40, top row, right panel: “… and a ‘1’ if it’s in group C and doesn’t stop.” – I think that should read “… […] and does stop.”?

– on p. 42, 2nd row, left panel: “… quod erat demonstratum” – that should read “demonstrandum” instead (if only my Latin teacher could see this…)

Thanks again for this very enjoyable read!!


10 years ago

… and without meaning to be nitpicking: While you’re changing DM to RM, here’s a nice reference regarding the development of beer prices in Germany (0.5 litre) :-)))


10 years ago

Thanks very much indeed, JimOttaviani, for giving that beer price topic so much of your thought and precious time :) After a good night’s rest, though, I must admit I seem to have ventured onto the wrong side of that fine line between meticulousness and negligibility, as some of us comp. scientists are prone to do :-)) Anyway… Yes, I do agree with you on all points ;-)

Thanks again & regards

10 years ago

Page 20 has a typo “Chrisopher” for Christopher.

10 years ago

Dear Jim Ottaviani and Leland Purvis,

I am very much enjoying your illustrated history of Alan Turing.

However, having visited Bletchley Park, and heard about this very point, I must pass along the information that the incident illustrated on page 67 is most likely false. The room with the Bombe was very hot, but a lady guiding that bit of the tour in time present assured us that the women in attendance in the day merely “turned up their cuffs” [she gently demonstrated] against the heat.

Rumours did abound about the undressing. But it was only to keep things interesting. The folks at Bletchely were isolated, as you point out.

Best wishes,

Catherine F

10 years ago

Page 66, “consistant” for consistent.

J. Holder Bennett
10 years ago

Mr. Ottaviani,

One final comment, if I may. As a historian, it warms my heart that you are taking reader critiques so closely to heart. Keep up the good work and I hope to see your future endeavors in yeears to come.

10 years ago

Hello, Jim,

Perhaps the thinking changed re revelations about the clothing code in the Bombe – Colossus rooms at BP over the years.

You were there later than I. I was at BP in May 2003 and May 2004. I absolutely remember the lady guide modestly turning up her shirt cuff, at one visit, to show what was acceptable.

I run hot. So had I been in a blazingly hot hut, I probably would have been the first Wren down to my skivvies! It makes for a great story. Wish we knew for certain.

Separately, I want to say I loved the entire illustrated history that you and Leland did. I only wish this story had been among my treasured Gold Key comics when I was little. (I had one about Joan of Arc and another about the discovery of the living coelacanth.)

Do you get the same deep frustration that I do about how wronged Alan Turing was? It just bubbles up and I find I am clenching my left fist.



10 years ago


Please keep us updated about the print edition!


Hadi Habib
10 years ago

Jim & Leland, keep up the great work.
And I’m glad a site like TOR exists.
I really enjoyed this true-story comic.
I learnt a lot from it (and from the comments of Prof. Bennett too).
Much love from Pakistan.

10 years ago

Wow, amazing work!

I am forwarding the link to my friends to who haven’t checked it out yet.

Also, now I am doubtful if the upcoming movie would be able to do justice to Alan’s tragic story or not. Because this work here, does exactly that. It is heartfelt and touching, and provided great insights into his life.

Thanks for this, Tor!

9 years ago


Not sure you still check in here. I only now read your last update about this work going to print. Huzzah!

I’m on pins and needles. Congrats!